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/ Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection / BS1 part 58.zip / BS1 part 58 / A-monitor v2.11.adf

Directories (5)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
c18   devs3   l3
libs7   s1

Audio & Music (4)
cream of the earth Protracker Module 4m1s 123KB 1989-05-30
einstein-2d6 Protracker Module 2m10s 109KB 1989-05-30
oxygene2 Protracker Module 2m38s 72KB 1989-05-30
sea knight theme Protracker Module 4m22s 70KB 1989-05-30

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
A-Mon_Msg Text File 15 215b 1989-05-30
A-Mon_V2.11.Doc Text File 306 12KB 1989-05-27

Other Files (2)
A-Mon_Intro AmigaOS Executable 95KB 1989-05-30
A-Mon_V2.11 AmigaOS Executable 28KB 1989-05-30